Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I'm a Big Kid Now!

Adam's first day of Pre School
We are doing a neighborhood pre school and Adam is loving it!  They have already done such fun things.  He has 5 kids in his class and we each take a month teaching.  I will have them all next month:)

Here they are learning the letter "A" sound 
Number Jumping 
Singing Time "One Little, Two Little, Three Little (Toes/Fingers)"
Number Ball Sorting
 Play Dough
 Hands and Feet

Learning to Ride
Adam is also learning how to ride his bike.  The bike is a little big, but he is doing well and will grow into it soon.  I still think he likes to zip around on his scooter a little more though. 
 Brandon had to get in on the action too:)
Here are a couple of videos of Adam just growing up.  The one above is him riding his bike, and the one below is him doing a flip at Kangaroo Zoo.

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