We started out the morning with him waking up to streamers and balloons on his door. He thought that was pretty cool and knew that this day was going to be special.

Later that day, we went to a place called Pirate Island for dinner and arcade games. It was the coolest place!! All of our servers were dressed as pirates and the atmosphere was just neat.

Let the games begin! Adam was at a great age for the arcade. He ran all over the place and just LOVED it. He got to play "video games" to his heart's content, because we don't really play that much at home.

What was even better is he discovered he could win tickets and get candy!

I don't know who had more fun, David or Adam:) H/H

I love the seriousness of this on his face.

I just thought the decorations were so cool. The food was actually pretty good too. Adam was so into playing though, he didn't want to waste too much time eating.

Brandon got in on the fun too

CARS Birthday Party
Adam wanted to do a "race car" party, because he is pretty into Cars. So after Pirate Island, we came home for cake and ice cream with Erin and Mike and the kids.

All Adam wanted was candy rocks! We had them on his cake last year, so now he thinks it's mandatory. I let him put them on this year. It's just funny, because if you ask him anything about his birthday, he will tell you all about those candy rocks:) I love how simple kids are.

When Adam was opening his presents, it was hilarious, because he took everything up to Erin and Mike for their approval. He wanted them to see it up close and personal on every gift. We were cracking up.

Well I think this little boy had a busy day!
We just love Adam so much. He is growing up way too fast, but brings us joy each and every day.