We had a great Halloween! We had lots of parties to fully celebrate. So many though that we must have worn little Brandon out. He was too sick to go Trick or Treating, but at least he had other ways to celebrate and opportunities to wear his cute little costume.
Our little Tiger
Party #1: Ward Fall Festival
Our church had a party a few weeks before Halloween, which was nice, so they all weren't right in a row. It was a Fall carnival with chili and pie to eat, lots of games, face painting, and fun for the kids! We were supposed to dress up as Farmers, so we did the best we could:) H/H!
Party #2: Adam's Joy School Group
We got to do the Halloween Party at our house and had a lot of fun. We painted pumpkins, played games, and took pictures. They also liked dancing to Halloween music and doing a little Halloween flannel board story.
Party #3: Slumber Party at Nauni and Papa Jones' house
Nauni and Papa Jones were brave and had all the UT grandkids over to their house for a slumber party. The kids had so much fun. They went on a Scavenger Hunt, walked to a spooky house in the neighborhood, made gingerbread haunted houses, played games, made jack-o-lanterns, and ate a halloween meal of mummy hot dogs and other ghoulish treats. Then they all got to sleep in the basement and watch Yogi Bear!
Party #4: Halloween Tricks and Treats at Grandma and Grandpa's house
The next day, we traveled up to Grandma and Grandpa's house and had a great party there too! We got to carve pumpkins, eat, and the kids got to play some games. We then went to their city "Pumpkin Walk" which was a lot of fun. I have never been to something like that before and loved seeing all the different pumpkins that people had created on display. It was such a nice night to be out.

Even Grandpa got dressed up for a little bit:)
Wrestling with Uncle Mike
I asked Adam to find his favorite Jack-O-Lantern and I would take a picture of him with it. Well, he found his "favorite pumpkin" about every 5-10 pumpkins and wanted his picture taken, so I think he really enjoyed the event as well:) He thought the Star Wars guys were pretty cool too.

(Now what to do with all that candy??!!!)