Friday, October 23, 2009

Big Brother

Adam is the proud big brother of "Baby Brandon." He is so sweet with him and has really picked up on some "Mommy" skills. He is always trying to help by getting Brandon's pacifier when he cries or getting Mommy's boppy when it is time to feed, or by being quiet when Brandon is sleeping. Adam asks to hold Baby Brandon and give him kisses. He also puts blankets on Brandon when he thinks he is cold and often tries to open Brandon's eyes for him. The other day, I said, "Brandon is opening his eyes!" Adam ran upstairs and grabbed the camera because he knew I wanted pictures with Brandon's eyes open. Adam is so perceptive and is a GREAT BIG BROTHER!!!

Look at that size difference! Who knew they could grow up so fast!!

Daddy does this, so Adam can't quite figure out why Brandon doesn't quite like it yet:)

I don't even think Adam knew what a pacifier was when he was little, but he sure has picked up the concept now that "Baby Brandon" is around:)

I sure love my two boys!!


Driel said...

Adam is such an adorable big brother! Brandon is so cute!!!!!

Sarah Turpin said...

Congrats on your sweet new boy!! He is so cute! Brothers! how fun!