Monday, November 28, 2011

She's Here!

 Ashley Leone Warren
7 lbs. 15 oz.
19 1/2 in. long

Ashley came one week early and is as healthy as can be!  My delivery went really well.  At my midweek check up, I was dialted to a 5 and 80-90% effaced, so we were nervous about how fast my labor would go when it got going, but everything worked out just great.  I woke up at 1:20am with some minor contractions 6-7 minutes a part, so we monitored them for an hour and then called my mom to come on over.  We got to the hospital at 3:15am and I was at a 6.  They gave me an epidural at 4:15am and then broke my water at 4:50am.  We thought my contractions would really pick up after breaking my water, but they actually declined to like 10-12 minutes a part.  I was so worried, but at 5:45am, she gave me the tiniest dose of pitocin and within 35 minutes, I was dialted to a 10 and she was ready.  After 3 pushes, she was here at 6:51am!  So from the time I got to the hospital to her birth was only 3 1/2 hours.  We are so grateful everything went so well and we are so grateful to have our beautiful baby girl!         

 The proud Daddy
 It was so nice to be able to have the kids come and visit at the hopsital this year.  The boys are so proud and love their new little sister.

 Going Home!

Ashley's claim to fame:

While we were at the hospital, they were doing a Period of Purple Crying (shaking baby prevention) campaign.  The Daily Herold wanted to get a picture of a baby in a purple hat to go along with their article.  The nurses chose Ashley to be the model baby for the photo shoot:)  It was so sweet and she did great!  I can't believe that at one day old, she already has had her claim to fame.  H/H!  
Let's just hope that it is not an omen that she will be a colicky baby!!

We are so grateful for Ashley.  She is so peaceful and calm and we love her dearly already.


Judy said...

Congratulations! She is absolutely beautiful. It must be so fun to finally have a little girl, and Kristen you look awesome :)

Angie said...

She is so pretty! You make the cutest kiddies! Congrats wish I was there in person to tell you so. =) Love you!

Heather said...

Congrats! She is adorable! Have fun learning to care for 3 kids. I'm 8 days in with 3 kids and I'm soooo tired.

Michelle said...

Congratulations!! It must be SO fun to finally have a girl! Don't'll get the hang of 3 kids pretty quick. I think 1 to 2 was harder than 2 to 3!

Dave and Holly said...

Congratulations! Ashley is a beautiful little baby. I didn't know you were having a precious. I'm glad things went well and you and baby are doing good. What a miracle giving birth is!

Erica and Dan Kiefer said...

i'm so happy for you! girls really are so much fun and i love that you have at least one of each now. your boys are looking so handsome and big! By the way, fast labors are the way to go. good job! glad it went well. I hope learning to juggle three goes smooth enough. you're awesome! we need to catch up soon!

Brent & Paij Collins said...

She's beautiful. Sorry I missed this. Congrats!

Matt & Chalyn Reed said...

congratulations!! we just had a baby girl too. thank you for the christmas card it just came in the mail today. it was fun to read about your family and see how big its grown.