Monday, January 11, 2010

The Tradition Begins...

...Sleeping underneath our Christmas Tree!
So I have been trying for years to get David to do this with me, and this year he finally gave in! We set up our tree and then had a family slumber party out underneath it. Adam was soo excited and we just brought Brandon's bassinet down with us. We didn't get that great of sleep, but I thought it was a lot of fun. It made me feel like a little kid again on Christmas. We woke up and ate crepes and had hot chocolate.

Setting up our REAL Christmas Tree. I just love the smell and picking one out.

Thanks David for letting the tradition begin! I will probably never have as many or be as good at traditions as my Mom, but some things just have to carry on.

1 comment:

Lauren and Trevor said...

That looks like fun. Good job David for giving in! I love seeing Brandon in the bassinet by the mattress. And...I can't help but notice the enormous box in the background...Fun fun!!