Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Summer of Races

This was the summer of races! David started out the year with his marathon and then did several races after that since he already had the base. He has stayed healthy and really worked hard. He seems to enjoy training for these big events almost even more than the actual races:)
Here is an overview of some of the other races.
June 2010
Erin ran the Ragnar too. She was on another team, but it was fun to see them both. Their teams actually overlapped, so they started and finished close to the same time and got to see each other at quite a few of the transitions. There were over 1000 teams which makes over 12,000 participants, so it was pretty insane!

David was the last leg, so he got to finish it up!

Here was David's team. They all got to cross the finish line together.
The teams are made up of 12 runners each running 3 legs that span 188 miles. The run starts in Logan and finishes in Park City.

We came up and surprised David at the finish. It is such a crazy race, he didn't think we would actually get to see him, but we did and it was a lot of fun.

People are crazy in this race. Some dress up, they decorate their vans, and they even create their own lingo. Everyone has a great time though. Adam made sure to get in on some of the fun with these dressed up super heros!

Here was David's Team Van. They were called "2 Fats and 10 Furious" (I won't say which category David fit into... H/H!) David actually got called a couple of weeks before the race to take someone's spot on the team. It was a ward team and luckily he was in shape enough to do it. Depsite the 2 hours of sleep he got, he had a great time.

July 2010
We ran the Freedom Run in Provo this year with the kids. It was an early morning but we got to run on the Parade Route which was a lot of fun. It was pretty crowded though, so not much room for a double jogging stroller to maneuver through.
August 2010 Michael, Julie, David and I did the Bountiful Triathlon this year. This was my first time to ever do one and I really enjoyed it. I loved the diversity in training. I definitely would like to do one again. This was a beginner Triathlon so it was a 5K run, 11.3 mile bike, and 350 yd. swim.

David and I both felt strong and well trained, so it felt good. We did our training together with the kids, so taking off the 50+ pounds we were used to pushing or pulling made a big difference come race day. I loved training with David and look forward to doing it together again!

Now that all our races are over, we are trying to find the motivation to keep on going. Hopefully when winter comes, we will still keep it up.


Lauren and Trevor said...

I am impressed. You have done a lot in one summer! It was fun to see pictures of them all. Both of your motivation to train is always inspiring to me!

Erica and Dan Kiefer said...

way to go! that looks both fun and exhausting! i've almost done some of those relay type races...but i really don't enjoy running! you look great!

Dave and Holly said...

You are awesome Krisin! Congrats to both you and David on your training and racing. I love how active you are, even with two little ones. Way to go on the yard and garden too. I'd never even think to plant broccoli...yum!