I know it looks like we play a lot, but we work too:)
(Or I guess I should say David works hard!)
I guess once you buy a home, people weren't kidding when they said home projects would now take up all your extra time. Well, we decided to hit our yard this year. We still have a long ways to go, but have gotten a good start!
Last year when we moved in, there was grass in the front yard, but no sprinklers. We did our best to keep our yard looking nice watering by hand. This year, David has started putting in the sprinkler system, and boy is it a lot of work!!
I guess I can say I helped a little, but all the credit goes to David that is for sure!
Michael came over one day and really helped David get things going. He was a huge help!
Enjoying the show!
IT WORKS!! Phase one is complete. Backyard, here we come.
David has seriously worked so hard and really done a great job at figuring all this stuff out. For all of you who have done this before, we feel for ya! Way to go. It will feel good to say we did it ourselves, but I am pretty sure this is the last time we will ever do a yard again:) H/H!
Good work. It's too bad that you have to make the yard look ugly before you can make it look pretty again.
good job Kristin! It will all look so beautiful once its done. I love the pictures - especially of your kids. Dan and I will be back in utah for school be end of august so we'll have to get together in the fall sometime!
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