It was just so much fun to have my sister and her family here from Ohio. We miss them already.
As you can see, the boys were in heaven:)
The weather was so nice, Nauni did the parachute with the kids, and we even got a good game of baseball in. Lauren and I could not seem to surpass Adam and Bryce. They really knew how to play and were quite competitive.
Aunt Lauren is just too much fun!
Our old roommate, Laura, came over with her son one day. It's too bad these little super heroes all don't live closer by each other.
Buddies and Buddettes:) H/H!
It is so fun to have these little girlies close in age.
Cousin Sleepover!
I don't think there was much sleeping going on.
BYU lost this game, but oh how fun it was to watch these boys get so into it.
I think they had the "SWOOSH- CECIL" thing down
Brandon was watching the cheerleaders and trying to be like them.
This was a fun outing. We went to their story time and then the kids all got to pet a snake!
PEE-EW! We don't like minks.
(Too bad we live less than a mile from a mink farm:)
Visiting BYU and eating J-Dawgs and the Awful Waffle.
It can't get any better than that!
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