Friday, November 27, 2009

Family Bed?

This picture seems to be how it goes at our house these days. This morning, David was added to the mix though. Fun, Fun in the Family Bed:) H/H!

Adam has been coming into our room multiple times in the night, so we finally told him he could only come in when it is light outside. That has seemed to work so far. Thank goodness it doesn't get light until about 7:00am! Brandon on the other hand, is a new addition to our bed... he spends most his time there rather than in his bassinet. Oh, the bad habits I am beginning!


Michelle said...

Emily used to as well....but we put her back in bed every time and now she stays pretty well. As for Nathalie, she slept in our bed almost every night until she was about 5 months! It's okay!

Erin said...

Enjoy snuggling with your babies, they grow up too fast!

Tonya said...

I agree with your big sister. I didn't get to worried about it with either of my boys and they've turned out okay.